In one elegantly designed device, Canal 33 has blended the capabilities of an SCS, RF Ablation, Neuro Stimulation mapping and Epidural injection capabilities to administer superior care to patients. The Betts catheter is universally adaptable to a variety of industry standard RF generators and breaks new ground in chronic pain treatment protocols by providing physicians with significantly more options than ever before. The Betts RF Spine Catheter administers RF treatment directly to the spinal cord, the most efficacious method in treating spine pain.
We also carry a 9-volt catheter version of the Betts RF Spine Catheter that enables the physician to place the catheter in the patient epidural space to stimulate the nerve and maximize accuracy in diagnosis of pain points. Canal 33 introduces a more accurate, safer and cost effective solution capable of helping physicians better locate the pain source, get the injection right the first time, and consequently avoids costs of multiple injections. Through this solution, patient’s face less discomfort and the possibility of replacing many of the steroid injections currently performed is now within reach.