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Canal 33 Announces the Issuance of Key US Patent for Expandable Blade Device for Stabilizing Compression Fractures 

By January 10, 2019March 11th, 2019Business

S AN CLEMENTE, Calif. – May 23, 2016 – Canal 33, an innovative medical device company addressing chronic spinal pain conditions through the development of leading-edge technologies, announces the issuance of a US patent covering the use of an expandable blade device for stabilizing compression fractures.

The US patent issued (US8114084B2) relates to devices and methods useful for stabilizing compression fractures of the spine. Compression fractures of the spine are a common, painful, and debilitating complication of osteoporosis or neoplastic diseases of the vertebral bodies. In many patients, the pain is very severe and patients are unable to bear their own weight. This system utilizes a single curved blade that can be erected to perform an internal osteotomy within the trabecular bone, as opposed to the crushing method of Kyphoplasty. The blade is an arc of thin metal that acts to cut an internal osteotomy in the trabecular bone by turning of the handle, thus allowing for the PMM cement to preferentially collect osteotomized region. The single blade design is able to carve a space within the vertebra; however, it is difficult to accurately position the device under the superior endplate using fluoroscopic monitoring due to parallax and the limits of a two-dimensional projection of a single three-dimensional curve.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Canal 33 is a medial device company headquartered in San Clemente, California focused on developing technologies capable of delivering chronic spinal cord pain relief. The company is focused on introducing and commercializing medical devices for minimal invasive vertebral augmentation, as well as an innovative new line of radio frequency catheters capable of sending energy directly to the patient’s spinal nerves, without risking permanently damaging the nerves located in the treatment region.


This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including Canal 33’s development medical devices for treating chronic spinal pain. Each of these statements may involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those, expressed or implied.

Media Contact: Richard Simpson, 858.925.5602